The Truth about Soulmates

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Soulmates.  All I will say is that the above quote speaks to me.  I have never been one to believe in soulmates.  How can the universe magically give you someone just because you were meant to be together?  And for those who don't ever find theirs, does the universe just say, "Fuck you, you don't deserve one?"

What I do believe in is that whether or not we call them a soulmate, when you find the person who does the above to your life and soul, you just know.

You don't magically wake up and all of the insecurities and problems you have ever had, disappear.  Love does not work that way.  You have to constantly make the choice to do better, be better, and let that person in.

There is not a single person who has altered my life more, than my partner.  Although I like to respect his privacy and not divulge much, it is true that he has been the one to truly revolutionize my world.  I look back on the woman or girl I was, when I first met him, and it makes me cringe, laugh, cry, but most of all, it makes me smile.  At 21, I thought I had all my shit together.  I assumed that life would just come to me, instead of putting in the work needed to get the results I wanted.  Then he happened.

I have never had more questions in all my life than in the moments where I have been challenged to reveal the truth within my soul.  No one has or is able to do that for me except for him.  Although it has not always been easy, I look at the person I am today with so much more gratitude and acceptance.

And I owe so much of my growth on having a partner who does not allow me to give up on myself.

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Maybe we are all just meeting by happenstance and it is only up to us to make the best out of the beauty we are given.  My choice is to always make the best out of the beauty I have.  I am so incredibly lucky, that I wake up every morning and literally express my gratitude.  Even when times are not the best, there is only one person who I want and who I can, walk through life with.  He is the only one who gets me.

And that will always be enough.

Love and light,



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