Every once and a while a television show comes along that not only brings happiness to your life, but kind of changes it as well. Just like a great book that you keep going back to, when a show finds you and creeps into your heart, you know you're a goner.
For me, that show is
FRIENDS. There isn't a character that I can't relate to nor one that I don't adore. Is it silly to say that a T.V. show has created such an impact on my life? Maybe so, maybe not. One thing I know for sure though is that I'm definitely not the only one who feels this way.
I always tell my guy that if there ever comes a day where a gameshow comes around that is looking for the ultimate
FRIENDS fan, I'd totally win. Out of the 10 seasons that have come and gone and the 22 years since the show first hit the television screens, I've watched all 236 episodes so many times, that I have completely lost track. They never get old...unless all I' m doing is watching it and then I may need a break.
The truth is, is that this show never had to be the best in comedic performance or even have the best actors. All it took were fabulous writers and the
right actors, who magically brought life to characters only they could have played.
And in a very odd and weird way, each character taught me something, because even if they were fictional, they had very real characteristics.
Joey taught me how to be okay with not always being the smartest in the group or even knowing what people are talking about at times. He also taught me how to keep the kid in me alive, because let's face it, he is the biggest kid in the group.
In Rachel I found how to be okay with liking nice things, knowing what I want, and not being afraid to speak up. She also taught me how the way people view me doesn't matter and to never give up on a once in a lifetime kind of love, no matter how hard it can sometimes be.
When I do compare myself to any of the characters, I tend to always revert back to Monica. She may not be the easiest character to love, but I sure do. She's neurotic, obsessive, always has to be in control, is definitely bossy, and likes things her way. In her character I've learned how to embrace my flaws and the things that to the rest of the world, may not always seem beautiful. I've also learned that staying true to myself is always most important.
Ross is ridiculous, jealous, childish, always correcting everyone and needing to be right, but always honest. Even when you want to hate him, you can't, because what would the show be like without Ross? From him I've learned that those who truly care about me, will always be honest with me, even if it may sting. And that we all get a little nuts when we truly know how to love.
And then there's Phoebe. Good ole Phoebe- the weirdest, most unique, genuine, and realest character. I've read so many articles saying how Phoebe was pointless in the show and I disagree 100%. Phoebe was the only character who never apologized for being exactly how she was. I love Phoebe. In her weird ways, I learned how to not be afraid to be uniquely and completely me. She taught me how to be more accepting of others, to let my true colors show (always), and to always do what I love.
I saved the best for last on purpose. As much as I love each
FRIENDS character, there is one that always stands out, and that I keeping coming back to time and again who is always misunderstood. CHANDLER BING!!! Chandler has and always will be my absolute favorite, mainly because he never gives a shit. He just lives his life, speaks his truth, and acts however the hell he wants to act, because he is more comfortable in his weird skin than most. He also has the best lines ever. Matthew Perry was perfect as Chandler Bing and although just a character in a very famous television show, Chandler taught me more than any of the others. He taught me how to love myself, laugh at myself, own who I am, and love with all my heart, in spite of fear and past heartbreak. And most of all, he taught me how to be a friend.
Thank you
FRIENDS for happening. For existing in my life even after all this time. For continually bringing joy to my heart and so much laughter in my belly. You are my favorite show of all-time and have helped my life tremendously over the years. Now back to reality and watching
FRIENDS on Netflix.
Your biggest fan/friend
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