
Being still is a wondrous feeling.  An emotion that I don't always feel or allow myself to feel, but one in which I adore tremendously when it occurs.

I am really feeling love all around me and it has been a very long time since I have felt that.  Sometimes I get so busy, so entranced in what I have to do, where I have to be, what I want to do, that I easily forget the present that I am in.

Tonight, I feel more present than I've ever been in my life.  And for the first time in almost all my years of living, I am at peace with where I am and who I am.  I still want that career and my dreams to come true.  I want to be an accomplished and published writer, creating stories from imagination and truth, inspiring people as I go.

I want that family and a marriage, but now I know that I don't need to wait around for them.  Instead, all I do is smile, knowing that wherever I go in life, I will never stop loving who I am and where I've been.  I accept my past more and don't look to my future as much.  I allow myself to stay in the moments I am creating, every second of my life.  And for me, it is those moments that help shape all that I have accomplished in my 25 years.

I am beginning to come together as a whole, and I'm loving it.


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