Rain down on me

Looking out my window, I see the rain trickle down from the sky, falling ever so gently on the ground and all things that surround the Earth.  It's peaceful.

Living in Las Vegas, it's rare when I get to see the glory of a rainstorm.  But today, in the midst of the gray clouds, small drops of water began to fall and I knew it would be one of those days.

You know the days when all you want to do is stay in and be a bum?  Or the days when the rain puts you to sleep, because it's so relaxing?

That is what today is for me and I am soaking it all in, little by little, because I know how rare it is.  I love rarity.  Things that happen every blue moon, hardly ever sporadically, but always spontaneously.  Something rare is always something beautiful I've come to learn over the years and I hold it very closely when it occurs.

As I watch the rain outside my window, I am in a place where I've only recently come to find out.  A place that most of us are afraid to get to, but most us yearn to be.  I'm growing up and it has been a very crazy journey.  I was always afraid to get to that stage where I knew that I was different.  Where I knew that I had left behind the young girl that I held onto, ever so tightly. In all honesty, I didn't want to let that girl go.  I wanted, with all my heart, to keep her alive, living in my present, robbing me of my NOW.  But, I woke up one day not too long ago and it came to me.  I needed to let that girl go.  And so, I said  my goodbyes and released her, hoping that she would be content in the past.  I believe she is now and it's so much happier that way.

On days like today, when the sky turns dark and all you hear are the sounds of rain on the ground, I feel more thankful than ever.  I will never stop loving who I am, nor will I ever give up on myself.  Growing up has turned out to be one heck of a ride.  A ride on which I am constantly in awe and more present than ever.

May everyday bring joy to my soul like today and may I always remember how far I've come.


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