Thursday A-has!

Every once and a while I have an A-ha moment!  It's when, what Oprah would most likely say, you stand still in your tracks and feel some sort of power overcome you; which is really like a revelation.

My A-ha moment came to me in the form of a tiny soul, whose nine months here on earth, have changed me completely.  While on the path to growing up, I've traveled on this journey of a nanny.  When I met the child who'd I'd come to love, I knew instantly how much this tiny human would impact my life.  How a baby who hasn't learned to walk or talk yet, can provide to you a moment of clarity, is beyond me, but because of that truth, it's remarkable nonetheless.

I've learned through his soul, that people take life all too seriously.  We succumb to negativity and weaknesses, ignorance and cruelty, and self-pity and insecurity.  Yet, even with these factors in life, the greatest we succumb to is love.  This child has also taught me, that patience is a fascinating virtue that we should all learn to grasp a little tighter.  Babies are smart that way, I just don't think people give them that much credit.

I've learned to love in a different way as well and although this child is not my own, I understand more about how to love and how to live, through his eyes.  I guess you can say I'm lucky, in that I am able to have a first glance about what being a parent is all about, without actually having to be one.  At the end of the day I come home and my life goes back to normal, all the while, doing it all over again the next day.

My A-ha moments are constant at times, maybe because this tiny friend of mine is still so innocent and free.  Innocence and freedom we craved for as children, but I think what most of us forget or never figure out, is that our innocence is always there and our freedom was more present as children.  As adults (even though I am still learning), our innocence comes out every once in a while and our freedom is something we still seem to yearn for.  I guess deep down inside, we all wish we could be children again (at some point).

Today I am finding out more and more, just how much fun living is.  It's not to say that I've never known or felt that way, because I obviously have, but it's simply to say that I understand the importance of slowing down every once in a while, being still at times, breathing, and appreciating life more.  All of this, I've learned through a baby who literally makes any funky mood or bad day, full of life and sunshine, through one giggle, one stare and one hand on my heart.


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