Friday wrap-up

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in."-Morrie Schwartz

I woke up this morning from a bad nightmare, where the people I love most didn't love me anymore.  As I opened my eyes I felt as though I were still trapped inside the dream, wishing that I would come back to reality.  Thankfully I did, rolling over to see that my life was still how I left it the night before.  There's something about love that makes life all the merrier.  I know I always talk about love, but it's only because  I'm just a lucky one who has it.

This week was a roller coaster ride to say the least.  After a 10 day vacation, getting back to the swing of things was not easy for me to do.  Because of that, I allowed myself to crumble just a bit..thankfully putting myself back together this morning.  Maybe it was the bad dream I had moments earlier, that shook me to my core.  Sometimes when you least expect, you receive a small and wonderful gift that helps you see things clearer.

Suffice to say however, that I am incredibly happy Friday is here.  As I sit outside on my porch on this ever peaceful, sunny day in Vegas, I can't help but think about how wonderful life is.  How great it is to have a best friend, a sibling, a parent, a partner..and how sweet it is to appreciate that, every chance you get.  I've been reading so many horrific things on the news lately and I can't help but wonder, do these people have love in their life?  Maybe love is not a cure for everything, but I do like to think that with love, a person feels much more differently about life, than one without it.

I know I am still growing up, but I'm no longer in a rush to get there anymore.  For me, I feel as though we are always growing up though, never really getting to a point where there is no more growth to be had.  Today I am celebrating the fact that I am alive to see today.  Right now, Vegas weather is just at perfection, right before the brutal summer heat kicks our butt.  So I'm taking it all in, as much as possible and I'm so incredibly content in doing so.

I dislike when I have pity days, but I love what they teach me.  I always take something new out of it and I realize more and more each day, how great my life is.  And I smile, because that's what life is all about.

"Follow your joy.  Be happy.  Inspiration comes when our heart is light and free."-RP


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