Tuesday Truths
I'm trying something new. I've been slacking majorly on my writing, on my dreams, filled with too many things I think I have to complete in a 24 hour period. Today I'm focusing on one thing; the truths I learned about today. I want to make my blog more of a present blog, than one that is focused too much on the past or future.
My goal is to only live in the moment, in the present time, so that I am no longer trapped in thoughts of things that have long since passed, or things that have yet to come.
My Tuesday Truths:
Via Pinterest |
My Tuesday Truths:
- Expectation is the root of all evil. When I set myself up for too many high expectations, whether on myself or those I love, or life in general, I create a pain so heavy in my heart, that only I had control over.
- Many times in life things will not go the way you want them to. It will suck (especially for people like me), it might even bring you down, but in the end it will always be okay.
- Comparing yourself to anything or anyone, is just plain stupid. It is rooted only in insecurity and ego and it WILL NEVER MAKE YOU HAPPY or feel good about yourself, no matter how many lies you try to tell.
- There are many people who will walk into your life, most of which will not stay. When time has played its course, it is absolutely, 100% okay to let them go. You DON'T need everyone, to love yourself. The ones who stay are the ones who have seen you fall, break, fail, recover, and who love you anyway, maybe even more, because of that.
- You DON'T need many friends in life, only a few close people who will call you out on your shit or childish ways, who will truly listen when all you want to do is vent, and who never, not even for a second, judge who you are. Pay attention. Those people are rare and a true gift.
- Love is and always will be, imperfect. When you find the person who you want to spend a lifetime with, you are also making a conscious choice to love them in their lowest and highest moments, laugh with them until you cry, and know that no matter what chaos life throws your way, you will always get through. That love is the most real. That love always makes you want to be the best version of yourself, never fake, never changing, only growing and learning together. And above all, a love like this is only one in which there is a balance and a connection, no words can ever explain.
- Family truly is everything.
- Tell the truth, even if it's killing you inside. Chances are, you will feel much better when you let the truth set you free.
- Never settle for something you know in your gut and heart, you don't want. Don't apologize for this either. Follow the path you have set for yourself, no matter how long or how hard it may be.
- Be yourself, but also be okay with needing time alone to gather your thoughts, relax, unwind, or even meditate. Time alone is immensely important.
- Keep going. Keep moving forward. Keep doing.
- Shit happens!
- Life is never truly fair, but it doesn't have to be. Fairness is how you treat yourself and others and not putting up with people who bring you down or treat you like shit. Everything else is just part of the cycle of life; it rarely ever has anything to do with YOU.
- Laughter truly is the greatest cure for anything. So are wet kisses from your favorite pup, a dinner with someone you love, or even the warm voice of your mom.
- Nothing ever is as serious as you make it out to be; you don't need to turn everything into a catastrophe.
Those are my Tuesday Truths for today and although they are solely my opinion, I definitely believe they can relate to anyone. Life is always moving faster than I'd like it to, but I'm enjoying the journey every step up the way.
When I look closely at my life, it has nothing but beauty inside of it. All the other bullshit is outside my circle of safety and I truly don't have to care at all about it. What is most important and cherished, lives solely inside my heart and that is what gets me out of bed in the morning, and what I think of when I close my eyes at night.
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