Tuesday Truths: A Day Late.
Yesterday was crazy busy and I was super exhausted when I got home, that all I wanted to do was chill. I worked out, showered, wrote in my planner, and watched an awesome movie on HBO called "CitizenFour."
So in doing all the relaxation I did last night, I missed my part on the blog about Tuesday Truths. Here are the truths that should have been a part of yesterday's blog. I hope you all enjoy and please feel free to leave me any questions or comments at the end.
So in doing all the relaxation I did last night, I missed my part on the blog about Tuesday Truths. Here are the truths that should have been a part of yesterday's blog. I hope you all enjoy and please feel free to leave me any questions or comments at the end.
Tuesday Truths: Part 2
Via Pinterest |
- When you do not get a sufficient amount of sleep at night, the next day will always suck majorly. It feels like what a potential zombie might feel or act like, which is kind of fun, but only for a few seconds. Must get good sleep from now on.
- Some people just plain out suck! You can't change them, you can't force yourself to even like them, and that is completely okay.
- Movies bring immense joy not only to my heart but also to my brain. For me, a movie is a book that is played out in front of your eyes, instead of creating it in your imagination. Without movies, I think the world would be a little more dull.
- Always fight for what you want and for what you believe in, and don't ever compromise just to please someone else who you know is only thinking about themselves.
- Writing really does soothe me. So do baths, which I took and enjoyed immensely.
- Anyone who tries to harm a dog does not know how to love, no matter what anyone else might say. Dogs are "bad" based on the environment they live in and how they are treated and raised by us humans.
- Shutting the mind off is key to tranquility.
- The End Anxiety app in iTunes really works to end my anxiety, slowly but surely.
- All the hard work you put in will definitely pay off. Just be patient, just wait, and before you even realize it's happening, good change will come.
- The Target Dollar One Spot is my most favorite place to visit. That is not a joke. My most favorite. :)
- I have seen and been through some hard shit in my life, but I'm not alone in that. And I am still here, still thriving, still alive, still kicking ass as much as possible.
- Seriously, dogs are the greatest things ever created.
Signing off, with love!
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