Man in the Window
Have you ever been scared? Have you ever been so scared that goosebumps ran up and down your body and your heart started beating rapidly? Well, I have one too many times before in my past. But tonight, it happened to me. I got freaked the "f" out and man body was shaking like none other. What led to this sudden panic? It all started on Friday night, at around 2 am. I was downstairs watching a movie and waiting for the boyfriend to return home from his weekend gig. All of a sudden, I saw a man in a light colored red t-shirt rush by my window (the blinds were slightly opened). At first I thought it was Andrew, trying to scare me and I was waiting for him to walk through the front door. But when that didn't happen, I realized that the man in the window had been real. Now I know what most would be saying, I was probably seeing things. But, let me tell you, this was nothing out of my wild imagination. I mean, of all things, I would NEVER want to imagine seeing a man walking by the side of my house. Andrew returned home about 5 minutes after the incident and I was shaken up. Last night I was still a little spooked and scared my own self in the shower. So tonight I finally felt okay enough to take my dog for a walk and be home by myself again. And then for some unknown reason, around 11 pm, I heard what sounded like someone pounding on my garage door outside. My dog went nuts, I freaked out and ran upstairs, waiting to see someone. I was too scared to look outside, so I called my mom. And then called the police. I don't know why, but sometimes moms make everything a little bit easier and help you not freak out so badly. So that was my night. The police scanned the neighborhood and I assume saw nothing. What an intense past three nights I've had. All I want is for my man to be home already so I can feel a lot more safer again. And for those who may even wonder where he was, trust me he was doing something really awesome and wonderful. He was performing for the Jerry Lewis Telethon for children who have Muscular Dystrophy. I've calmed down now and I'm okay. But have any of you ever had anything really scary happen to you? What did you do? How did you feel? All I can say is that I'm so grateful that my dog Jeeves is here with me. Cause God knows I'd be a mess without him.
Oh Kim how terrifying! I've not had anything like that happen here, but I can imagine that I would be an absolute mess! I close the blinds completely at night (it's actually getting dark again in AK, ugh.)Remember that I am one hour behind you, and you can always call!