Today I walked out of my first "real"job, as in corporate job. A job that I have been at for a year and a half and one in which truly shaped and changed my life. Because I can't divulge any information about my job (in full detail at least), I can say that it was one that I will NEVER miss. I worked at a place where respect hardly existed and where I always felt like I could never be myself. Out of the full year and a half that I've been working at this place, I lost myself. I became bitter, negative, semi depressed (especially when I was there) and unhappy in general. How could a job do that to a person? Well, a lot of it deals with the fact that I let this type of environment, this really horrible, negative environment, affect my life and myself as a person. In a place that I spent most of my days at, 5 days a week, it was terribly hard to come home and just relax and be happy. Although my personal life was amazing, I couldn't shake all the unhappiness and negativity that succumbed my mind and soul, during the day. That, negatively impacted my relationship with my man, with my family and with my inner self. Imagine having to be around people who say "I hate my life" every single day. Or who bash their relationships, are fake around you, and generally don't really like you at all. That was my life there. And I could never wake up in the morning and feel happy, knowing that I would be at work, around all this negativity, all day. I was always treated with such disrespect and always talked down to as if I was the biggest idiot in the world. The looks I'd get from the women there, bothered me. They always tried to give me compliments and add the "You're so skinny, I hate you," or "You always look so cute, I hate you." And I was always dumbfounded, asking myself, " Was that a compliment?" Any who, today all of that is officially and finally behind me. I gave my two weeks notice, or more like a one week notice, last Wednesday, and walked out of those doors this afternoon and all I could do was bask in the beautiful joy that had just surrounded me. I cried. I laughed. I screamed. I was overjoyed. And God how it felt so great. I will never in my life have to walk through those halls again and listen to the negative flow or conversation throughout the day. I will never have to see or think of those people ever again and I will never let a job that has no impact on my life and future, affect me in that way. Today I am so insanely happy. I start my new job on Monday, at a Childcare Center that I feel is going to me a dream in and of itself. I cannot wait. All of the emotions I have ever felt from my old job, are gone. Because I will never deal with it again. Although it impacted me, today I realize that I accomplished a huge obstacle in my life and now it is over. Now I can breathe easier and smile more often and appreciate the beauty and love that surrounds my life. I am so grateful and lucky to have the people I have in my life and the most incredible man, who has stuck by me and put up with me throughout this whole time. I am happy and man oh feels so good.
Things that make me happy:
My gorgeous man and gorgeous dog!!My amazing family!!Great friends!!Watching movies!!Writing!!Love!!
Working out!!My's perfection!!My life!!Pens....I have an obsession with collecting them!!Hugging my two babes!!Relaxation!!Children!!My new home!My boyfriend's family!!School!! Reading!!Laughing!!
And above all.....God!!
I've learned that life gets hard sometimes and sometimes you don't even want to deal with it...but with perseverance and faith, anything is possible! I feel like my life is finally on my own path. And nothing will get in it's way!! My happiness is most important. When I'm happy, life is easy. The people I love are happier and there is no reason to worry or stress. Thank God Almighty..I am Free At Last!!!
Any moments that changed your life? Or jobs that bring you down? How did you deal? Remember, that your own happiness is key, and always the MOST important thing in your own life!!!
I'm so sorry I never got back to you today... It was a doozy! Congrats on the fab new job and leaving the old one. You deserve to be treated much better than that. And... Adorable picture of you and the boy and the pup!!
ReplyDeleteP.s. What the heck are we doing in that picture!?