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Peaceful Meaning

Peace to me, means being able to breathe comfortably and securely in a world that could bring so many twists and turns at any moment. Peace is that moment when you lay down to sleep at night and you drift off, knowing that every thing that sucked in your day is finally over. Peace are the moments when you leave work, and you're able to breathe again. For me, peace is the one thing that keeps me alive, amongst many things. It's the feeling I get when I know that I get to come home to an amazing man that I love immensely and a dog that captures my heart each day. It's the feeling that comes over me when I hear my mother's voice, and it's as if she is sitting right next to me, even though she is more than a 1000 miles away. It's the moments that waken the soul and make me want to be a stronger person, and live life every day as if it were my last. I watch the news and read it every day. And every time I do, I am always saddened to know what is going on in the world. So many of us take life for granted and even those we love the most. Not purposely or wanting to, but because for the ones we love the most, it's always easier to be hardest on. I have always been a worrier and a constant thinker. But in all reality, what good has that ever brought to my life? NONE!! Life can always be hard, but we can always make it easier or harder. Peace to me means never caring too much to let the small things in life affect you or bring you down. It means not letting your work or finances, or the fact that your in a bad mood, bring you down and keep you in a funk. It's the moments in life that take your breath away and make you want to live. The moments when that special person in your life, looks at you, and you can see peace and your life in them. When all you really want in this world, is to be near them and love them for all the days that God gives you to love them. My family and my boyfriend, who now feels more like my family than ever, inspire me each day to be a stronger person and to let go of all the things in my life that I have always allowed to affect me. If I were to die tomorrow, the only regret I would have is that I didn't allow myself to let go of so many things I have always held on to. And for me, that is the one thing I never want to regret. I love my life and the people I am blessed to have in my life and love. I have never in all my life, been as happy as I am now and I must is kind of scary to know that "Wow, life is awesome, when is that going to change?" And then, I remember everything I have learned thus far...the future comes soon enough, why waste today worrying about it? Peace in my life are the looks I get from my boyfriend when I say something silly, or the long talks I get to share with my brother. The moments when my mom and I argue, as crazy as it sounds, because I love her being my mother. And the moments when my little sister who never calls, calls me just to say hi. You see, there are so many things in life that can stress you out and make you think too much. But the trick is to not let those negative things enter your mind. When you can master is a piece of cake. Peace is knowing that no matter what, there will always be those certain angels in your life, that love you for who you are, flaws and all. And that living life is the greatest gift we could ever receive.
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