The Best Medicine

I find that laughter is always the best medicine for anything.  Whether you're sick, sad, lonely or even depressed (which by the way is NEVER good), laughing can usually relieve any tension right out of your body and make you feel wonderful again.  Today has been one of the best days this year.  With everything that has happened or has been happening within this year, whether it was moving out of my first place on my own, moving in with my boyfriend, seeing families laugh, hug, and love, and finally moving into a brand spanking new is the best day.  Sometimes it's easy to forget to laugh and just let go of everything.  Even though laughing seems so simple, it's always best when it's not forced and when it just comes out.  My boyfriend makes me laugh all the time, which is one of my favorite qualities about him.  Since I am talking about laughter..I have to write what his line is...since he knows for reasons unknown, just when to say it. When we went to L.A. for his brothers wedding, his brother took our blood pressure. Since he is going to school to be a doctor, we knew our blood pressure was in good hands. It turned out that both mine and my boyfriend's blood pressure was perfect, which we were both kind of relieved to hear. So now, when I least expect, and again for reasons unknown, he blurts out.."Hey babe? Remember when we were in L.A. and my brother took my blood pressure, and it was perfect?"  And then, as I do every time he says it, I laugh.  Maybe it's the way in which he says it, or just because it is really silly and random...I always find myself laughing and smiling because of it.  There are days when all I want to do is sleep and be a bum, motionless on the bed or couch.  And although I love being a bum from time to time, when I start laughing, I feel energized all over again.  I feel this sort of power rush through my body and it lifts me up.  In good days and in bad days, laughter is always the cure for anything.  Even in an argument, or through tears, when you can makes life so damn great.  I love my life.  And I love to laugh.  So when days are bad and you just want to drift away, put on something funny, listen to a loved one say a joke, or stare at yourself in the mirror for a long time...and let it out.  Laugh out loud and I promise it will ALWAYS make you feel much better. To laughter!!


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