November Thanks: Day 5- Writing

"Writing is the painting of the voice."- Voltaire

For as long as I can remember, writing has been an essential part of my being.  Just like a fish needs water to live, I need writing to do the same.  Since the fourth grade, when my teacher Miss Roberts introduced me to writing, I've been in love with it ever since.  And it is the kind of love that awakens my soul constantly, no matter what is going on in my life.  It is my breath and the air I need to live.
There are certain parts of my soul that are a mystery, that not even the closest and most dearest of people in my life are aware of.  And those parts of my soul are only known through my writing.  They are only ever known through writing.

I can recall so many moments in my life that writing (and of course those I love) helped to get me out of.  When my grandmother died eight years ago (whoa..time has flown), writing helped to alleviate the pain that had infested my heart.  And when my cousin Randy died almost three years ago, writing helped me to express the love I felt and still feel for him daily.  It helped me to write about a boy the whole world should've known, a boy whose love for others was infectious and beautiful, and a boy who could've changed the world, had he had more time.

Writing is everything to me.  It gives me the chance to show my love for others through words and I hope it gives me the chance to help others who ever read my words as well.  With writing, I am whole. Some people have other talents, but mine is simple.  I sit down, wherever I may be and I write.  I write to let out my frustrations, my anger, my sadness, my insecurities, my hopes and dreams, my love.  I write.  That is who I am.

Today I am thankful for that gift I know I have been given.  I am thankful that I have hands to write and type and that writing is such a huge part of my being.  I am thankful that writing has never left me and that whenever I stop writing, I am not me, I am not whole.

When you prevent yourself from living your life's purpose, whatever it may be, you are stunting so much love and happiness from entering your heart.  Live your life's purpose, your dreams, your aspirations.  Make them all a reality.  Even if you fail, continue. 

Today, all I want to do is write.  Tomorrow and forever, all I want to do is write.  

Via Pinterest


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