Writing Challenge: Mirror, Mirror

Inspired by yet another idea from the 365 Writing Prompts I found somewhere on Pinterest, tonight's post is another Wednesday writing challenge.  What would you do if one day your mirror started talking to you?  What would it say?

Via Pinterest
If one day I looked in the mirror and it began to speak to me, it would tell me the following (in no particular order);

  • You are loved today and all days.  Please don't ever doubt this or question it and know that if and when you should ever happen to, there is always the answer being hidden at the root of it all.  That answer, 99.9% of the time, never has to do with whether or not you are loved or are loving enough, but always something else that you will come to figure out and handle. 
  • You are beautiful.  Yes, you are.  The laugh lines on your face resemble nothing but happiness, so be proud of them and never wish to erase them just to look younger.  The scars you have are permanent, yes, but they also represent moments of life, moments that were meant to happen, though small.
  • Everything will be okay.  Sure you may meet and have to deal with mean people but that is the tragic flaw about life.  There will never be a perfect job, group of friends, partner, family, or day, so let go of that expectation and things will be easier.  Even when you feel like it is all too much, it too will pass, as it always does.  Nothing is ever really as hard as it seems or as hard as you imagine. 
  • You cannot control everything and that as well, is okay.  Your day may be stressful, but do your best to not look too deeply into that.  That way, when stress does arise you won't be so burdened or troubled by it and will be able to let it go a lot easier. 
  • There is no need to worry or fear death or bad things happening.  You don't have to think about that each morning or day because it stunts your health and happiness.  Worrying is a waste of time.  Fearing is moot.  Just be happy to be breathing and know that today will be the best day yet.
  • You are brave.  You are strong.  You are kind.  You are nice.  You are sweet.  You are honest.  You are funny.  You are smart.  You are talented.  You are awesome.
  • Always think before you speak.
  • Let go of what is hurting you most, be it your negative thoughts, worries, or fears, or people who do nothing but strip you of your joy and know nothing more than to be cruel.
  • Be grateful.
  • Eat a good meal or two today.
  • Believe you can and you're already halfway there. 
  • You are not what happened to you in the past. 
  • You have survived.
  • Dance.  Sing. Laugh. Smile. 
  • Be cool.
  • You are not fat, but if you see that you are unhealthy, work towards bettering your HEALTH instead of trying to look like someone YOU ARE NOT.
  • Do not compare!
If my mirror could tell me anything, those are a few things I know it would tell me; constant reminders of what I all too often seem to forget or let slip my mind.  I am counting down the days until my last day at the MC and am anxiously awaiting a brighter tomorrow. 



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