October The Great and Powerful

I woke up this morning with such gratitude.  I like it when that happens.

October has been full of early mornings and late nights, things that had to be done, payments that had to be made, and trying to just slow down and breathe for a few seconds.

Suffice to say, I didn't really master all of that and towards the end of the month I have just felt exhausted.  But, even in all those hectic moments and the constant back and forth of everyday life, there is contentment inside my heart.

For October I focused on one Resolution, which was Energy.  I wanted to take a closer look at the energy I put out and the energy I surround myself with.  Here is what I came up with:

Most of my days are spent at work; negative energy loves to live there.  It's toxic and it's suffocating, but I did and continue to do my best at being a positive source in the midst of the negative.

Some people are just assholes.  IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME!!  And I can't fix them.

It really is true what they say, when you give out positive energy, people around you become more positive as well and positivity becomes more attracted to you.  So, STAY POSITIVE.  It really is worth it.

When you wake up in the morning feeling anxiety, fear, dread, uncertainty, stress, etc., do your best to let that shit go!! Instead, wake up every morning feeling alive, because you are, obviously, and wake up feeling grateful to live another day.  Life is short, I know, so don't waste it away by forgetting about what really matters.

Exercise.  Exercising has proven to be extremely beneficial in overcoming depression, stress, anxiety, and even curing a headache.  You don't have to obsess over it or feel as though you need to fit some image in your head.  Just get up, stretch, and let the beauty of exercising benefit your body and mind.

Drink water and get good sleep.  Those two things are so important and crucial in sustaining good energy and good health, all around.  You don't ever want to be dehydrated and you don't ever want to be sleep deprived.  I increased my intake on water tremendously this month and noticed that my body was replenishing itself constantly.  I DO need to work on getting better sleep though, something I didn't do too good a job of this month.  Now I know.  When you know better you do better.

Focus on what you are eating.  This was an AHA! for me.  Whenever you stop and notice what you are putting into your body, you will either see that it is all bad or it is somewhere in between.  Also, when you stop to take your time to eat, you will catch yourself not overeating as much as you used to and actually appreciating food much more.  I really focused on what I ate this month.  It didn't stop me from having a hamburger and fries every once in a while, but it did help me to stop overeating and to better my eating habits tremendously.  It also helped me to appreciate the fact that I can eat, which so many of us take for granted.

Meditate, in some way or another.  I wanted to focus on meditation because I actually love meditating as much as I can.  However, I failed miserably at this during this month.  I might have meditated eight times this month, which showed me that maybe meditation is not the way to go for me.  Instead, when I found myself slowing down or taking 10 minutes, I felt more relaxed and calm than when I would meditate. But, if you love to meditate, which I do from time to time, you will see that a simple five minutes can alter your mood faster than you think.

Leave work at work, where it belongs.  If something crazy or great happened to YOU, then share.  If something crazy or great happened for someone else, what is the point in sharing?  No one you know outside of work knows who you are talking about and they don't care about them.  They only care about what happens to you.  Remind yourself of this when you find yourself wanting to vent out all your frustrations and every little thing that happened at work.  Work talk belongs at work.  When you are home, that is your only time to wind down and relax.  That is your only time to take in the people and things that make you happiest, like catching up on your shows with your partner or just laughing with them about silly things.  Work talk is no bueno and never belongs at home, unless it involves YOU and you alone.

Act the way you want to feel.  I learned this from reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  I carry her book with me at all times, in case I ever forget about what is really important.  Because of her book I am changing certain things about myself and my life that will only benefit me and others in the long run.  Anyway, when you act the way you want to feel, you will begin to notice that it actually works.  If you are having a rough day or fighting with someone you love for example, act the way you want to feel.  For the most part, all people want to feel is happy.  So, act happy and you will feel happy.  It's how the brain works.

And lastly, just enjoy life.  When you have good energy, the people around you have good energy.  When you have bad energy, well you get the point.  It is NEVER too late to change your life and your bad habits.  It is simply about wanting to live the life YOU want to live and be who you WANT to be, that makes you strive for me.

To October, you were great and powerful.  I enjoyed you.  I'm glad your'e over though.  You were rough, but I was tough.  Thank you for showing me the way.


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