October Fall
When the fall weather rolls in, it's as if a feeling inside my soul awakens and the world around me becomes so much more peaceful.
I can't really explain where that feeling comes from. Maybe it's because the holidays are around the corner and they resemble families being together, laughter shared around the table, and the excitement you still get on Christmas morning.
Or maybe, just maybe, it's the simple truth that I hate the summers in Las Vegas and I can't wait for it to end. Even now I am already prepping myself for all the festivities that the end of each year brings. Such as listening to Christmas music on my iPad for no apparent reason on an October evening.
I guess I'm just one step ahead. I like to savor in all the glory and beauty of October, November and December. I soak them all up in one glorious bath and dive in, knowing that the next three months left in 2012 will be my favorite.
I can't explain how much my life and who I am has changed since this time last year. I feel more whole. Slightly more patient. Full of joy and acceptance. And above all, full of love in my heart that never escapes me.
The greatest thing ever created is love. With love comes everything. It doesn't have to necessarily be love of someone else, but plain old love for anything. However, when you find someone who you want to love for the rest of your life, it's pretty damn great too.
But love in general creates a life full of so many possibilities. Even through the most treacherous of waters, love always seems to prevail.
I don't have a perfect life in the slightest, but I have persevered. I have challenged myself to the highest degree and I have managed, thankfully, to pull through. Determination and courage have been my greatest of friends in my lifetime. And it's because of them that I found myself truly loving exactly who I am with all my might. When you get to that place in life, when you truly love who you are, never forget it or let it go. It's the best feeling in the world.
No life is perfect. Struggles still present themselves even when you least expect it, hearts still will be broken, and loss will always occur. But in the end, life is always waiting for you to pick up the pieces and move forward. It wants you to fight. And fight I do, each and every day.
Tonight I am full of joy. I appreciate that because my calling in life is to actually live it. I don't have all the answers. I don't know what tomorrow will bring. And I truly don't care. I can't worry about it or obsess over the things I have no control over. All I do is smile at the moment that I am in right now. It may not work that way for some, but I guess one thing I have truly come to understand as I get older, is that I can't worry how others live their lives as well.
All I can do is hope that somehow in someway, everyone feels some sort of love and happiness.
Maybe I love these last three months of each year because they make me happiest. They give me peace and bring a comfort to my soul that the crucial heat of summer never provides (for obvious reasons of course). With cooler weather comes all things associated with it. Autumn leaves, big sweaters, hot chocolate, fireplaces, Halloween decorations, concerts in the park, friends getting together, family, and of course Christmas music.
To fall, my favorite of seasons. I adore thee. I treasure all the moments.
“But then fall comes, kicking summer out on its treacherous ass as it always does one day sometime after the midpoint of September, it stays awhile like an old friend that you have missed. It settles in the way an old friend will settle into your favorite chair and take out his pipe and light it and then fill the afternoon with stories of places he has been and things he has done since last he saw you.”
-Stephen King, Salem's Lot
I can't really explain where that feeling comes from. Maybe it's because the holidays are around the corner and they resemble families being together, laughter shared around the table, and the excitement you still get on Christmas morning.
Or maybe, just maybe, it's the simple truth that I hate the summers in Las Vegas and I can't wait for it to end. Even now I am already prepping myself for all the festivities that the end of each year brings. Such as listening to Christmas music on my iPad for no apparent reason on an October evening.
I guess I'm just one step ahead. I like to savor in all the glory and beauty of October, November and December. I soak them all up in one glorious bath and dive in, knowing that the next three months left in 2012 will be my favorite.
I can't explain how much my life and who I am has changed since this time last year. I feel more whole. Slightly more patient. Full of joy and acceptance. And above all, full of love in my heart that never escapes me.
The greatest thing ever created is love. With love comes everything. It doesn't have to necessarily be love of someone else, but plain old love for anything. However, when you find someone who you want to love for the rest of your life, it's pretty damn great too.
But love in general creates a life full of so many possibilities. Even through the most treacherous of waters, love always seems to prevail.
I don't have a perfect life in the slightest, but I have persevered. I have challenged myself to the highest degree and I have managed, thankfully, to pull through. Determination and courage have been my greatest of friends in my lifetime. And it's because of them that I found myself truly loving exactly who I am with all my might. When you get to that place in life, when you truly love who you are, never forget it or let it go. It's the best feeling in the world.
No life is perfect. Struggles still present themselves even when you least expect it, hearts still will be broken, and loss will always occur. But in the end, life is always waiting for you to pick up the pieces and move forward. It wants you to fight. And fight I do, each and every day.
Tonight I am full of joy. I appreciate that because my calling in life is to actually live it. I don't have all the answers. I don't know what tomorrow will bring. And I truly don't care. I can't worry about it or obsess over the things I have no control over. All I do is smile at the moment that I am in right now. It may not work that way for some, but I guess one thing I have truly come to understand as I get older, is that I can't worry how others live their lives as well.
All I can do is hope that somehow in someway, everyone feels some sort of love and happiness.
Maybe I love these last three months of each year because they make me happiest. They give me peace and bring a comfort to my soul that the crucial heat of summer never provides (for obvious reasons of course). With cooler weather comes all things associated with it. Autumn leaves, big sweaters, hot chocolate, fireplaces, Halloween decorations, concerts in the park, friends getting together, family, and of course Christmas music.
To fall, my favorite of seasons. I adore thee. I treasure all the moments.
“But then fall comes, kicking summer out on its treacherous ass as it always does one day sometime after the midpoint of September, it stays awhile like an old friend that you have missed. It settles in the way an old friend will settle into your favorite chair and take out his pipe and light it and then fill the afternoon with stories of places he has been and things he has done since last he saw you.”
-Stephen King, Salem's Lot
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