In Remembrance.

Today marks the eleventh year since the tragic 9/11 events took place in New York City, Washington D.C., and the fields in Pennsylvania.

I don't like to call these years anniversaries, because I feel in my opinion and in my heart, that anniversaries are moments that are celebrated for something great and beautiful.  When something tragic happens, each year that passes is just another year that you remember where you were and what you were doing on that day that your life was changed forever.  Whether it be 9/11 or the death of a loved one, each year is another year to remember.

But it is hard to put into words the affects that that September day had on our nation and myself as an individual.  I mean, I was only 15 years old and barely starting my freshman year of high school.  However, the pain I felt and the fear that consumed me had nothing to do with me.  It had only everything to do with the people who were there, the ones who lost their loved ones, and the ones who fought tirelessly to pick up the pieces and help out.

Today I will not write about what that day meant or retract all of the horrific images that September 11 will forever be identified with.  Instead, all I want to do is focus on the great things that have happened since that day and how the world has changed so much.

In honor of all the lost souls, I feel so blessed that good does come out of evil.  Though it has taken many years to see change, what our nation did to come together on that day will forever go down in my history pages as something so beautiful and life changing to see.

When President Obama addressed the nation last year that Osama Bin Laden was officially dead, it brought hope to my heart that no matter how long it takes to see change from something horrific, eventually the change happens and peace can begin to shine again.

This day also makes me feel so blessed to be living and to have the ones I love most by my side.  The only thing that I feel in my soul is wonderful about this day is that for many, it makes us stop in our tracks and appreciate all the beauty and love that is in our life.  No matter how hard life can get, because it can, the most important thing to never lose sight of is that you will always get through it.  This too shall pass and life will begin again as it always does.

I'm thankful for the country that I live in.  It isn't always wonderful and it is never perfect.  But in moments of true tragedy, when people can forget what is wrong with their life and the world, they come together and make something positive overcome something truly negative.

For everyone, life goes on.  It doesn't matter when or how long it takes, but that is what is so truly beautiful about life.  When you believe, the impossible is always possible.   Good does come out of every situation.  And love will always prevail.


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