Changes are good.
I haven't always been comfortable with changes. For me at least, they gave me major anxiety and interfered with my life drastically.
But today I feel like change is something we should all embrace and accept. In all honesty, my perception of change was a distorted one and led me to build up unrealistic fears that held me back from the inevitable truth that all things change, everyday.
It has been a long process to even get to where I am today and I'm no longer fearful of the unknown. Sure I still get a little nervous about it and think about it longer than I should at times, however I'm incredibly ready to embrace change. And I'm excited about it.
There is that saying that always sticks out in my mind, you know, the one about being the change you want to see in the world and such. Well I never got it until now. I never wanted to get it really until now. And in a way I am proud of that. I am proud that I let myself feel all those fears and insecurities and doubts even, because they have truly transformed and shaped my life.
I believe it's always harder when we try to prevent and shut out uncomfortable feelings. And before, I used to think that I did that. But looking back on my life now, I realize more than ever just how much I've felt all the uneasy feelings, how much I felt so much uncertainty, and how much I never gave up, no matter how hard it got. And it makes me very happy to know that I never allowed myself to give up, even when I felt like doing so at times.
I start a new job in about three weeks and I am definitely looking forward to it. I'm excited, nervous, hopeful and confident and I am so happy with that choice.
Like all things in life, change comes up more often than I think we would want it to. However, change has also really brought so much peace to my life. It has helped me follow my heart more, understand the truth, listen, love, forgive and let go. And though I know the change within myself will continue to change, I really feel like it's the greatest gift we receive in our lifetime.
Change also brings you closer together with people you love, when you can learn to let go of things that truly don't matter and just accept them wholeheartedly.
One important thing change has taught me in my life is that sacrificing ourselves just a little bit, is one of the greatest things you can give yourself. Sure letting our guard down can be difficult, but the beauty in doing so allows more beauty to enter our life. And I truly believe in that with all my heart.
Life is never easy. It is always a lesson to be learned, choices to be made, growing up to do, and in the end the only thing that matters is knowing that you always gave your best no matter what.
Today I am grateful for all the changes I've made and all the things I've been through that have led me to more change. I'll never know what the future has in store for me, no one ever does really. And I don't want to know. I really like the unknown and it took a very long time for me to admit that.
But today I feel like change is something we should all embrace and accept. In all honesty, my perception of change was a distorted one and led me to build up unrealistic fears that held me back from the inevitable truth that all things change, everyday.
It has been a long process to even get to where I am today and I'm no longer fearful of the unknown. Sure I still get a little nervous about it and think about it longer than I should at times, however I'm incredibly ready to embrace change. And I'm excited about it.
There is that saying that always sticks out in my mind, you know, the one about being the change you want to see in the world and such. Well I never got it until now. I never wanted to get it really until now. And in a way I am proud of that. I am proud that I let myself feel all those fears and insecurities and doubts even, because they have truly transformed and shaped my life.
I believe it's always harder when we try to prevent and shut out uncomfortable feelings. And before, I used to think that I did that. But looking back on my life now, I realize more than ever just how much I've felt all the uneasy feelings, how much I felt so much uncertainty, and how much I never gave up, no matter how hard it got. And it makes me very happy to know that I never allowed myself to give up, even when I felt like doing so at times.
I start a new job in about three weeks and I am definitely looking forward to it. I'm excited, nervous, hopeful and confident and I am so happy with that choice.
Like all things in life, change comes up more often than I think we would want it to. However, change has also really brought so much peace to my life. It has helped me follow my heart more, understand the truth, listen, love, forgive and let go. And though I know the change within myself will continue to change, I really feel like it's the greatest gift we receive in our lifetime.
Change also brings you closer together with people you love, when you can learn to let go of things that truly don't matter and just accept them wholeheartedly.
One important thing change has taught me in my life is that sacrificing ourselves just a little bit, is one of the greatest things you can give yourself. Sure letting our guard down can be difficult, but the beauty in doing so allows more beauty to enter our life. And I truly believe in that with all my heart.
Life is never easy. It is always a lesson to be learned, choices to be made, growing up to do, and in the end the only thing that matters is knowing that you always gave your best no matter what.
Today I am grateful for all the changes I've made and all the things I've been through that have led me to more change. I'll never know what the future has in store for me, no one ever does really. And I don't want to know. I really like the unknown and it took a very long time for me to admit that.
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