A happy home. A happy heart.

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." - Mahatma Gandhi
Sitting outside in the summer's heat, one might think, "Why be outside when you can be cool inside?"  I used to think that too until I remembered the days growing up outside and falling in love with it more each time.
So today, I sit.  I breathe in the heat and really feel the warmth on my skin and I am happy.  Happy to be able to have such a mundane thing like the sun's warmth and the nice breeze circling my surroundings.  I've always believed that peace can be found anywhere you look and today I have found it through nature. 
Today's clouds!
There are days when finding peace isn't always as easy.  Somedays are harder than most, somedays I don't want to do much of anything, and other days I want to be in my own little world.  Yet, one of the greatest accomplishments I've been able to receive in life is having a happy home.
Although my life and my relationship are far from perfect, I can always count on coming home after a long day and feeling right where I need and want to be.  And I find solace in that, with each day  I am able to come home.  I think with everything going on in the world and the constant fear that is forced upon on us all the time, we tend to lose focus on what really matters.
The shootings in Aurora, Colorado speak loudly to that fear and what one person can do to instill fear in people around the world.  Though it's a tragic and devastating event, life still has to move on.  And I can only hope that the fear dissolves with time and people can find happiness again.  No matter what tragedies occur in our lifetime, life doesn't wait around for us to be ready to move on.  It just moves on, even if we're not ready for it to do so.  The only thing to hope for is strength and I believe people have far more of it than they are credited for.  For all the victims and families, I know strength will persevere.  And my heart is with each of you.   
Fear should be the one thing that makes us strive harder, that makes us love harder, and that makes us want to live the best life we can.  Fear used to really bottle me up and I loathed every moment I ever had with it.  I call my fear "IT," because that's just what it is.  And now I welcome my fear because I know it will always be around, and I accept it instead of trying so hard to fight it.  One cannot live a grateful life and still be fearful.  I've learned that the very hard way.  
So on a much lighter note, here are a few things that make my home happy.  Though there are many, these are some of the main things that make my home happy and my my heart smile.  

Random thunderstorms, that make us chase after them. 
This boy: his tongue, eyes, personality.  He is a happy home. 
And this guy, who is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. 
When she's here.  My momma!
Skyping with the siblings! 
Board games 
Fireworks outside the door.

All of my really great friends!!
And US. Being silly with an added lazy eye in the mix :)
I am not fearful, for where I go, I go with all my heart.  Inside this happy home of mine, I've found myself.  My true self.  I'm aware of imperfections and I love them more than anything nowadays.  I'm knowledgable of the fact that perfection isn't something to strive for, but happiness and gratefulness are.  I understand that things change ALL THE TIME and if we're lucky enough, those changes will bring greater joy.  I also know that relationships in general (family, spouses, boyfriends/girlfriends, friends, etc.) are hard work, and when they are it's because they matter.  Growing up never ends and neither does learning.  Embrace it all, for life really is way too short. 
I'm not the wisest person in the world or even the bravest.  But I am happy.  I've done my best today.  And that is all that counts. 
"He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home." -Johann Wolfang Von Goethe


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