New Years Challenge. Day 3

Today is the third day of my first new years resolution: GETTING INTO SHAPE!  For the past several new years, I have always made the same resolution; to get into shape and get toned and be healthy.  Every new year came and went and if I worked out three months out of the twelve, that was it.  I've never been an overweight person, but I've always been a woman, and being one, I know that we are our harshest critics.  I have never been 100% happy with my body and because I am so short (4'11'' to be exact), gaining a few extra pounds here and there definitely shows.  I knew that being happy with myself completely had a lot to do with being happy with my body as well.  So, this year I have decided to make the full commitment, no matter how hard it may be or how tired I am, to treat my body the way I always should have; with love and respect.  Today is the third day of my getting into shape challenge, and I must say that I am loving it.

Then is only day 3.  :)

I am doing yoga and pilates and on days that I'm really up for it, I will do my extreme cardio workout.  For now, I am loving yoga and if anyone thinks it is all about stretching and me, it's not.  There are lots of stretches, but mainly yoga is all about relaxing while working your body as well. Having to literally use your body muscle and weight to lift in a challenge in of itself.  But man it sure feels good.

I am learning that the true way to living a healthy and happy life, is truly learning to love yourself completely.  Each day I am learning just that, and I already feel a change inside of me.  I am happier, more relaxed, less stressed and a lot more confidant.  I am only looking forward to what this whole year has to bring me and the love I will find by loving myself more than I ever have.

I have a great life.  A great family. Am amazing love. And wonderful friends.  I wouldn't change anything in this world for what I have now and where I am now.  And I'm grateful for everything I've endured to get to the point I am today.  I'm feeling like life will only get better for me and I will only get stronger.

To loving the you you are!!


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