The Classical Day

I've always loved classical music or any music for that matter.  There is something so soothing and comforting, not to mention relaxing, about classical music.  With no words to hear, you can truly appreciate the music that makes it all worthwhile.

I've been working on my book since January and so far I feel that I am right on track.  I hope with all my might, that this big dream I have of publishing a book for young girls truly does come true.  There is something about writing and listening to classical music at the same time, that makes my creative juices flow and really just takes me to a whole other world.

With all that has been happening in our country lately, not to mention around the world for several years, it can be hard to lose yourself in the negative and so often times, sad news we hear on a day to day basis.

I try my hardest not to let so many things affect me, yet there are many times when I can't help but cry over what I see and hear.  It is at times, very difficult for me to understand the way our world has turned out since I was a young gal in Texas.  And yet I feel as though the world has always been semi-broken all this time.  It is, I guess you can say, why perfection doesn't really exist.

I remember playing out until dark with no worries in the world, going on crazy adventures my brother and I would make up along the way, and living life really peacefully and fearlessly.

Nowadays I feel that there is so much fear that exists, that is forced down our throats, that fear is lurking in every which way we turn.  It makes me stop to wonder.  Why can't people just get along?  Why can't people just be accepting of people and things that they feel in their minds, are different?  And why can't we live in a place where hatred isn't as powerful as it is here?

Call me naive if you will.  I'm okay with that.  For even through all the hatred and anger that exists in this world, I still find and see beauty wherever I go.  Even now, while listening to Pandora's amazing classical radio station, I find beauty.

Looking outside my window from my loft in which my desk and writing nook overlooks the neighborhood and mountains, I say "Wow!," now that's beauty out there.  It's in the simplest of things like seeing the leaves change color or flowers start to blossom, that I still have hope in a world that could someday be more peaceful.

If there is anything I carry with me at all times, besides love, it is peace.  Even on days when I don't feel as peaceful or am having a particularly rough day, I still allow myself to go to that peaceful place, however I can find it.  Sometimes it's found by soaking in a bubble bath, with candles surrounding me, a drink in one hand.  And other times it is found through meditation, a hug from the ones I love, and laughter, silly, awesome, laughter.  But mostly, no matter if I am happy or sad, peaceful or not, angry or annoyed, I write.  That is where my peace always lays.

Oh how I write.  And oh how it soothes my soul so good.  Without writing I don't know who I'd be.  But I guess I don't ever have to ask myself that question.  For wherever I am and however I feel, writing is this beautiful gift I have been given.  And it is the gift that gives me so much life.

Today is a classical day.  Music fills my heart and runs through my veins.  It is, you could say, how I came to meet and fall in love with the most extraordinary music man I've ever known.  It's the music that binds my life together.  It is the music that can turn any ordinary day into something magical and can lift up any spirit.

With the wind blowing effortlessly outside, I soak it all up.  In just two days the weather in Vegas will change dramatically.  Hot weather here I come.

I let the wind tell my story, as it always has.  I let it take me back to a time when I was young and knew nothing of the life I would come to be blessed with today.  I let the music lift me up, as it always has as well.

No matter what, the music lives on.  And just like the seasons change, I go with the flow.  Life is damn good!  So damn good!


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