Seize the day

"Your life is what your thoughts make it."- Marcus Aurelius 

It's been a little while since I last wrote--oh how I've missed it so.  The past three weeks have been filled with coming and going, coming and going, and then more coming and going.  So it comes as no surprise that  I'm pretty worn out.  How great and wonderful it feels to be home, laying in bed, writing away.  

Since my 26 birthday happened almost two months ago, my view of life has changed drastically.  It might sound crazy to some degree, but I feel more like an adult than ever before.  I'm learning so much about myself and involving myself in so many different adventures, that happiness is somehow surrounding me at every corner.

However it doesn't mean that life is still not hard, it always is in some way or another. The change has come from my own way of thinking.  Instead of fearing the future and dwelling in the past, I've learned very slowly but surely, just how wonderful life is when you change your thinking habits. 

In reality, changing the way you think stems from courage as well.  Courage is that wonderful and sometimes scary feeling you get when you're doing something you really want to do, even if it scares the crap out of you.  And in many ways I guess I've learned how to be courageous on my own.  I never really wanted to venture out and face my fears, but now that I have my life has changed dramatically.

"Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose."- Tom Krause 

I'm excited to announce that I've been working really hard on myself-- mind, body and soul, and I've found that working out really does make people happier.  So, I try and dedicate at least six days a week, sometimes five, to my Zumba, which I do in the comfort of my home.  And it feels so great in my soul.  Another fear that I thought I couldn't achieve, I've done by just letting go of my thinking.  

I've also formed a small group of close girlfriends who come over to my house every Friday (when we're all available of course) to indulge in great wine, food and good soul escaping.  It's a small project I hope to continue building on with time and it's something that truly makes my heart smile.  If there is one thing I can do in this great world of mine, it's just to make a difference in someone's life.  I just want to help, something I've always loved doing. 

"Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy."- Anne Frank

Life is really good right now and I'm excited to be taking a small break from my crazy busy reality next week, to relax and soak up the sun in my favorite place.  I'm still and will always be working on myself, I never want to give up on that.  I love myself a lot more than I've ever loved myself before.  And though that might sound a bit sad, for me it's just a beautiful lesson and journey I've been able to go through, that has changed my life in the best ways possible.  I'm not afraid to live and lose.  I just want to live right now, in this moment, loving the people who are in it, who love me right back.  And I'm lucky as I always say, to have so much love in my life.

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."- Ralph Waldo Emerson 


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