Happiness Project
Over time I've come to learn that taking things slowly is the best way to actually learn. Usually I am all over the place, running with my thoughts as if I were in a make it or break it type of race, forgetting easily what the journey of life is truly all about.
It's been almost one month since I turned 26 and I must say, although I'm fully aware that I am still young and have much to learn, that I'm happier. I kind of went through this long, drawn out phase, where I didn't really know who I was, what I wanted or how to get it. Now however, I find myself being more encouraging of who I am, which in turn helps to create inner peace and calmness in my heart. I'm happy and happiness is this wonderful treat I hope to continue on cherishing for years to come.
The one truth I've learned through my process of self-growth, is that I don't have to rely on others to make me happy anymore. I did that for too long and that never worked. It's not to say that the people I love in my life don't create happiness for me, because they definitely do, it's just to say that I no longer rely on them to create my happiness. Happiness, my happiness, is solely up to me and in my hands. I am the gatekeeper of how much happiness I bring into my life and how much I don't. That was a lesson that was extremely hard to understand and a habit that was very hard to let go of. Now that I have little by little, I notice that most of the time, if I think happy, I am. And it's so good.
I've faced many struggles that I've created for myself, that I no longer need to hold onto to either. Life is all about taking risks, taking chances, hoping for a good outcome. It doesn't always happen, but just taking the risk to begin with is worth it. I know I don't have many answers to life, I only have answers to my life. Today I feel very free and peaceful, as though this huge weight I'd been carrying around for years has finally come off my back. I can't even begin to explain how much lighter I feel. I'm still learning and heck, I hope to always be learning as I age.
All I know for sure right now, is that the dreams and hopes I have for my life are real, they matter and I am worthy of creating and following through with them. I'm very lucky to have such patient people in my life who continue to stand by my side. It's an unconditional support system I have and one that makes me feel even luckier to be alive.
Today, be grateful for what you have right now in this moment. Focus your time on positive thoughts, things that are true and listen to the beat of your heart and know that you are loved, you are lucky, you are worthy.
I know I am.
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