Wednesday Wonders

"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you." -R.W.E.

I don't pretend to be something I'm not. I'm crazy, loving, over-analytical, funny, neurotic, charming, and full of questions. I don't pretend to hide who I am, allowing those who enter my life to see me for just what I am; me. I don't hide from the truth of who I am and how I arrived to the exact point that I'm in, in this very moment. However, it was a hard and dark struggle to accept that.

Today's Wednesday Wonders involve the simple joy of being still. It's a rather complex and sometimes horrendously hard thing to do, but when you can truly be still in the present moment, you begin to see life and even yourself, so much clearer and differently in only the most breathtaking ways.

I have practiced meditation, yoga, silence, candles flickering in the dark, wine in hand, always coming to the conclusion that while those treasures in my life feel great,my inner self always feels best when I am still. By still I don't mean not moving, instead still means to me, quieting my mind, becoming aware of my breathing and solely focusing on the exact moment I'm in. When I am still in that way, I am at peace.

I never knew that actual growing up, as in facing your fears and doubts, taking risks, being brave, and loving yourself, could be so challenging and painful. The truth though was that growing up has only been painful for me, because I made it painful. I lived in the past-future, never acknowledging the present out of fear of losing it all. Yet, the story I had created of my life years ago, was a story in which I became stuck in, warped in, unable to escape into reality.

I've struggled with accepting me for me. I think so many of us in this world do that. If there are a handful of people I know who are constantly conscious and present, that is it. Most people, such as myself, are constantly living in the past and future, unaware that the present moments are passing them by. I figured out a little too late, but just in time, that the only time we have in life, is NOW! We're not guaranteed 30 minutes from now or even an hour; weeks or months; years or tomorrows. All that we are guaranteed of in life is right this second, the one I'm in as I write every word.

I don't have the answers to life by any means, nor do I want to acquire them. I no longer feel the urge to know everything right this second or where my future will lead me. All I have is this moment in which I am gratefully alive, breathing freely, surrounded by love. It's so easy to forget how precious our lives are, when we are constantly in our minds.

I may not ever stop thinking as much as I do and that's okay with me. But I do know for sure that all of our thoughts are not our reality, so why waste it?

Today, on this glorious Wednesday afternoon, I am thankful. I am superbly grateful for the people in my life who have stuck by me for so very long. I am loved and that is enough! I figured out what I finally want to be when I grow up. All I want to be, is happy. Nothing else.

"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." -Lao Tzu


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