To Thine Own Self Be True
Some people who have been through truly devastating events in life, have had the ability to overcome with ease and grace, and a stronger passion for life and forgiveness. Just the other day I had an epiphany, something that happened after speaking to my guy. I recognized that the things that have happened in my life, the things that truly hurt me and took a part of my soul with it, I conquered. All these years I had been living in that past heartache, unable to truly recover from the aftermath that it possessed. I believe that when you let hurt fester in your soul, for however long you do, it blocks all the greatness and joy that is living in it. Thankfully and luckily, I don't fester so much. Maybe if I'm having a bad day, unconsciously I will, but usually with rarity and never for too long.
I have also been blessed beyond belief with the greatest people in my life. I grew up never really seeing the right kind of love surround me. But despite this, I had one thing that no one else had; MY mom. She showered my siblings and I with love and strength every single day, no matter what was going on in her life or what kind of pain she might have been feeling. She never showed us that side, she kept it tucked inside, and only gave us kids what we needed to survive, love. Because of her, I didn't fall into a place that some people never get out of. I survived. I got through it all. I spoke up and was brave. I got through it alive and whole. The man in my life has also shown me what real love is, something I was certain could never happen to me and something that is not a fairytale, but a real life story. His love comforts me through it all, a feeling and energy that not even I can explain fully.
Nothing broke me, except myself. That lack of confidence is what did me in. I forgot how strong I was and how deserving I am of all the good. Nowadays, I remember this. And it is no surprise or secret that the ones I love so deeply, helped me to get where I am today. No one person can do it all. Thinking that way is a load of shit to be quite honest. You need help along the way, encouragement from ones you love and who love you, belief, and of course confidence. No matter how strong someone may be, people need people to get through.
To Thine Own Self Be True means this:
Loving who you are completely, without any apologies
Laughing at yourself and not taking yourself too seriously, ever
Embracing your imperfections; they make you who you are
Knowing that the only person who can ever truly MAKE you happy, is yourself
Be the change you wish to see in the world, is one step closer to making a difference in life
Forgiving the past 100%, regardless of the pain you've attached to it
Let it go, always
Let it be, always
The only thing you can control are your actions and thoughts, everything else is out of your hands
Belief that you can achieve your dreams, whatever they may be, is vital and important
Constant affirmations of positivity help to create a more positive life
It truly is okay to be happy with a calm life, drama sucks
Never doubt, for doubt is just a thought, and the truth will always prevail
Be who you wish to seem and bask in it
On the other side of fear lies freedom, the closer you get to that, the happier you become
Embrace your flaws, they are what make you unique and one of a kind
Love fearlessly, unconditionally, honestly, faithfully, passionately, with knowing that you deserve what you have
Have dreams for the future, but don't live in it, only live in today
Accept yourself wholeheartedly, forgive your mistakes, embrace the you, you are
Never give up on yourself, the ones you love, your hopes, your life
And above, be true to yourself, always
**All images via Pinterest
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