All Is Calm. All Is Bright.

Christmas is just three days away and as always, I am anxiously awaiting the moment I get to give to my loved ones.  There are many things that I consider my "favorites," but giving to those I love has to take the cake.  For all that they have done for me in my life journey, it is the least I can do to say "Thank You" for all that they do.

This year all that has mattered to me has been living the best life possible.  I have stumbled and fallen more than once, but picked myself back up as quickly as I could.  Last year I made a promise to myself that I would change the things within myself that I don't like, such as the way I think.

I am so proud and happy to say that I feel as if I've done an amazing job at keeping that promise to myself and I will continue to do so for the rest of my life.  I've let go of things that were only bringing me down, like negative energy, worrying too much, a lot of my insecurities, and trying too hard.  Although I know that I am not perfect in these areas, I don't let it get to me as much anymore.  And I am happier because of this.

All is calm.  All is bright.  And that is enough for me.

I can't even express my gratitude for all that I have.  Everyday I wake up feeling so at peace and right where I belong.  This life I have, the people who are in it, the things I am doing, it was all meant to be.  And even though it took me a long time to figure all this out, I let in all this beauty and I am happy.

To all that is calm in my life and all that is bright, thank you for making my life!!


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