I wanna see you be BRAVE!

It's been quite some time since I took to the computer to pen my thoughts and feelings, something I am fixing right this second.

Life.  That's it.  It has been so crazy at so many times in my 27 years that sometimes I forget to stop and smell the roses.  I forget to be true to who I am.  And I forget to shower myself with love for my own soul.

And that is NEVER okay.  It never sits right with me and I can tell immediately when I start to forget about me.  What I am learning though now, after so many years of "trying to figure it out,"is that I am becoming more one with myself than ever.

This doesn't mean that I am always one, obviously as stated above, but I remember more these days than before that what I want and what I need, are the things I already have.  The things that from time to time when life gets a bit too stressful, I forget as well.

I used to always feel bad about this and sometimes I still do, but with age comes newer forms of wisdom, and nowadays I do my best to not beat myself up too much whenever I stumble off course.

Recently I am obsessed with being brave.  From Sara Bareillies' "Brave" to reading Gretchen Rubin's, The Happiness Project, I am learning all about bravery.  And I am wanting more of it.

My goal in life is just to live, follow my life's purpose, love more unconditionally, follow through with what I say, and laugh so much more.  There are times where I take life so seriously because I care too much about what is going on.  And sometimes that is okay, but most times life shouldn't be taken so seriously.  What is there to be so serious about anyway?

I've come a very long way and I am never ready to give up, even when it is so easy to do.  I have too much to live for and I want the best possible life not only for myself, but for those I love as well.

Tonight I am so blessed for the following.  And not just tonight, but every single second of my one wild and precious life.

1.) Home- the comfort it brings me, the smell when I walk in, the man and pup I share it with, and the peace it always brings.

2.) My guy- there are never enough words to sum him all up and there never will be.

3.) Family- the one I have, the one I've gained, the love that is shared between all of them, and the joy I feel in knowing that they will always be there.

4.) My breath. My heart. My incessant faith in hope and dreams and all things great.  And who I am, wholly.

Wherever you are in life and in the world, I hope you know that you are NEVER alone.  There are and is people out there who love you and would do anything in the world for you. LET THEM.  Sacrifice your fear for help.  And always, always let love in.

Love has changed me.  It has changed my life.  It has changed my soul.  And it has made me realize after so long, that it truly does ALWAYS prevail.  It is the oxygen that keeps me going, in good times and in bad.  And it is what I WILL sacrifice my own selfish needs for.  It is worth all its cracked up to be and then some.

Life is gooooood!!!


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